24 06 2009

The name ‘iban’ is still of uncertain origin. though early scholar regard it as originally a Kayan term, hivan, meaning ‘wanderer’. Other Iban of Sarawak’s First and second divisions used the name ‘Dayak’. Sutlive in his Book, Tun Jugah Of Sarawak – Colonialism and Iban Rensponse, suggest ‘The participation of a few Iban in alliances with Malays for coastal piracy in the nineteenth century led to their being called ‘Sea Dayaks’.

Today, Iban are to be encountered in all of the political divisions of the island of Borneo, but the largest numbers live in Malaysian state of Sarawak. The Iban language is distinct from other bornean languages, and share a limited number of words with Malay.

Hello world!

7 06 2009

Welcome to the Iban customs and tradition sites. I am not an expert in this fields but i do eager to preserved my very own heritage, as it is gradually endured, touched by all sorts of influences. Therefore, as a younger generation of Iban, I’d like to welcome everybody who like to contribute anything regarding Iban customs and tradition.

For those who like this fields, I would like proudly acknowledge the well established site with a very interesting and excellent articles about Iban. Greatest acknowledgment to Mr Gregory Nyanggau Mawar, the one who inspired me indirectly, by browsing over his site at http://gnmawar.wordpress.com. To Mr Gregory, Sir, I hope you don’t mind!

As for myself, I really hope to gather as more as I can, all the information about Iban and put it here for everyone of us. Hopefully, in future, this will benefit each and everyone of us, particularly the Iban itself.