Hello world!

7 06 2009

Welcome to the Iban customs and tradition sites. I am not an expert in this fields but i do eager to preserved my very own heritage, as it is gradually endured, touched by all sorts of influences. Therefore, as a younger generation of Iban, I’d like to welcome everybody who like to contribute anything regarding Iban customs and tradition.

For those who like this fields, I would like proudly acknowledge the well established site with a very interesting and excellent articles about Iban. Greatest acknowledgment to Mr Gregory Nyanggau Mawar, the one who inspired me indirectly, by browsing over his site at http://gnmawar.wordpress.com. To Mr Gregory, Sir, I hope you don’t mind!

As for myself, I really hope to gather as more as I can, all the information about Iban and put it here for everyone of us. Hopefully, in future, this will benefit each and everyone of us, particularly the Iban itself.